[Woe. Almost forgot about this site. Heheh. ]
Updates. So basically I've been working alot alot.
- No real time to myself.
- I feel crappy and Happy at the same time.
- Kage has ben my movie buddy. So far since Ive ben there we've seen Kung Fu Panda; The Incredible Hulk; Wanted; and Hancock together. Ive seen a few more alone of course, but um I honestly can say I love my job. Its doing its job of distracting me....
- My Dad is in Texas [hmmmmm]
Haven t really seen
mah friends in a while. On vacation or not. I've made calls and attempts to get together but if that was successful I guess I wouldn't be complaining now. Whatever.
Saturday is my birthday. I'm not going to Kings Dominion anymore due to... technical difficulties. [See where optimism get you Jerron?] but I will being having a cookout. Yea... cause thats what 17yr old do. *sarcasm* I won't spoil anything but I'm sure I'll have a lot to write about afterwards. I'm pretty excited about it.
The 4th of July I spent with my mom. We went to the mall and I went shopping with my own money. That was a first and yea.. I felt happy. [Clothes and rave bracelets ^_^] Only I hate Hottopic cause they over price everything! shit. The rest of that night I spent working. No fireworks for me.
The only person I stay in contact with almost 24/7 is Troy. He text like a chick. lol. [bastard just got a ferret] But I'm glad though; my number one since of entertainment while at work.
Speaking of work, I hope Steph is doing well. Havnt really spoken to her about her job yet. I really want to see what her uniform looks like. Hmmmm.
So today I went to two cookouts. Ate hella Crabs. [the good kind that makes your nose run. lol]
I watched
Apocalyto the other day and fell in love with it again. Idc what they say.
Mel Gibson you rock!
I forgot what else I had to say. ..