Sunday, July 17, 2011

Awake all day

Santuary -Utada Hikaru

If we as [teenagers] are only allowed just one day where nothing get ruined; where next to nothing turns out bad or ends on a sour note, well then I surely have used up my one day pass. Today was just.. too much to handle.
I don't think I have ever cried so much from being happy. I was so happy it ached.
I could only focus bringing these people together and having enough food for everyone. I'll admit I did have my lazy moments but it didn't matter. My dad was there backing me up the entire time. I kept hearing what a good job I did and that everything was great while the event was still going on. It was better than an graduation, wedding, baby shower I ever imagined for myself. Wow. It's not even that I feel awesome it was just the turn out. I was shocked that all these people could once again be around me & Kelitah yet again.
I was happy I gave some many people their moments to somewhat shine. To be heard or watched or thanks for making such wonderful food. I may forget the events but I will never forget how this all made me feel.

To be honest, I was also very happy upon hearing that a certain someone hasn't completely closed off his heart. I was so happy that I turned out to only be a speed bump and not a total dead end. I'm not even capable of possessing that power.
& that's the way, this wheel keeps working now////

So I would hope that I get to see Harry Potter before my departure, maybe in the morning when its still cheap. I don't even mind seeing it alone, I just need to complete this task. It's always a bitter sweet aroma around things that officially come to an end.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


I've been living for 20 years now. Today I had a large breakfast with my family and then went straight to work. Naturally, I arrived 30 minutes too early so I pulled out a notebook and did some serious reflecting. I'm not going to pretend I feel wiser or have a better understanding of how life works. I just know that no matter what has happened or will happen I still love myself. Very much.