Oh today was sooo great! Hours spent with the closest people to me in Washington DC.
Besides the fact that God was having a bladder problem. The turn out was great, the food & smoothies were ok and all that attention was more than I could ask for! I lost count of how many people decided to take or join in with a picture of us. Oh and my beloved Lolita Kelitah came too making us all very happy. [I wanted her Panda so badly T-T;.] Everyone managed to buy sumthing. I got the cutest little Kitty key-chain, Steph got an umbrella & Lauren & Claire got TOFU Bags. ^__^ So yeap. like I said it was great. Weird cosplayers and awesome visual kie also made this annual event entertaining. I told Kage i was going & he could come if he wanted, I'm glad he didn't though cause hanging out with those chicks today wasn't so bad. Afterwards we all chilled @ Claires house eating sinful cupcakes, discussing our operation and covering a lot of other random yet HIGHLY ENTERTAINING information.
[[In other [naruto] news : Itachi is really dead, Sasuke is taking over the world. I hate Kisshi right now. ]]
Anyways, where was I? Oh yeah! & also I think Claire defiantly pick up a good rule for us to start calling each other more often. I totally agree! I mean before I even discovered boys I could stay on the phone for hours.
Yay I feel... spaded ... ?
1 comment:
really random comment on our picture.
if u look closely.. there's an asian guy just above my head, on the left side... i wonder if he was taking a pic of us..
i even saw this one dude with this huge camera focusing on us, even standing on one of the terrace like thingies for the plants while we were in line.. i ignored. xD
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