Oh- Pa~!! Why hello, hello there *shakes hands* Aaaah I feel so,so.... IDK.! but its great (dude you gotta get on this shit XD)
Today was career fair... ironically I found out what i want to do with my life afterwards. Haha.
Interviewing was gay. T-T I mean, forcing a smile is easy for me but whatever it was that I was doing inside the gym today was just dumb.
Today was career fair... ironically I found out what i want to do with my life afterwards. Haha.
Interviewing was gay. T-T I mean, forcing a smile is easy for me but whatever it was that I was doing inside the gym today was just dumb.
- First off, I was truly pissed off at what some of the girls were wearing. Like really, wtf you sluts cover up and stop trying to impress your friends
- But then,.... I just began to sing in my head "There gonna clean up your looks with all the lies in the books, to make a citizen out of you.... " -MCR
- After about an hour in a half I left for an early lunch. Much to my surprise Kelitah, Juliette Claire & Steph all found there way to my table and boy was lunch good today. ^_^
- In the end I only got 5 interviews. Personally I could care less though because No one from my magnet showed up. T___T;
- We left for *Steph's house after the fair... only to face consequences later. I left my cellphone in a goody bag [but got it back. Thanks JOJO..who ever you are]
- @ Stephs house we ate fried chicken for the umpteenth time. [*note to self: remind me to get these girls a real chicken box & half/half]
- We also played DDR & Guitar Hero. & as a result my wrist is like... broken ;-;
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What do you wanna do? :P
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