Kayso, this has been a really long week; but really it's been a while since I felt so relaxed.

- I mean like, I feel as though [Megumi[the ghost from Shutter] has finally lifted off of my shoulders. Yeah I've totally let my guard down all week just to see what would happen and surprisingly something good came from it. I love having guy friends hahaha,
- Diante'
- Sir
- Troy
- Jimmy
- Shaun
- & Peanut
- I'm starting to get pretty worried about my online dress that I have yet to receive. Its been about 3 weeks now. WTF.?!. I got another shirt on the way too and I plan on making Kage buy my this here skirt. Its adorable!

- Today [After school] was another really good one. I had another one on one driving lesson with the worst yet best driving teacher ever. And we kissed in the rain [lmao ok, I'm so lying we were in subway.... but it was raining outside] After that had this long 'intimate' like talk. One thing that i will always love this kid is his ability to surprise me. I mean really, I don't remember a day when we were so much n' sync. We talked about moving away together; he wants to go to Russia [???] and I of course want to go to Japan.
- Anyway, so after that I turned in all my applications that I got yesterday. I applied to Burger King, Claire's, The Great Cookie & Game stop. Holy Rice balls, I really hope I get hired this time >.<;

I feel special. x3
...Cockta Pusses?
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