But Kage is...
Idk how it happened but the Gods shall finally bless us with a sweet child o mine.
Lmao JK. but today we got into another dramatic argument in which a few tears fell, the f-bomb was dropped, i attempted to walk home, suggestions on breaking up, marrying.. and some more shit. *sigh* We chilled in our favorite spot for a while, laughing and falling in love again.

" It is better to lose your pride with someone you love rather than to lose that someone you love with your useless pride"
When I finally got home I just chilled, made plans with Luminara and then a very random Peanut called me. We talked for a long time, I was kinda shocked. It was also ironic seeings as how one of Kages biggest fears/ concerns mention today was that he cannot trust me with him [cuz apparently we're too close] bullshit. Well he'll just have to deal with that cause I love Peanut to death, he's like an older brother for lack of a better description. lol. I swear I'll get this whole situation worked out... well, 'help out' rather, as much as I possibly can. I cant stand to see people close to me suffering.
- We all must get harder, better, faster, stronger
- Smurfs.. I've decided not to give on you all just yet.
- 7 More days of school and counting!
- Working is ruining my life... in a good way : )
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