I'm sort of going off topic for a bit right now, but heres the thing. I really miss the old Avril. I was going through some of my old CDs and found hers. Its amazing the effects songs can have on a person. Music just screams the words I'm too afraid to speak.
Right now - I don't feel as alone because when I listen to Avril sing about a guy thats done her wrong; only then does what everyone else say [oh it'll pass, been there done that, youe not the only one... blah blah blah] have meaning. I'm not saying I'm just like Avril or we can relate .. it's just that I understand more of how the heart works, what its capable of.
This very instant, as her soundtrack plays, I've grown to forget about all my pain, knowing the lyrics from memory and reciting them under my breathe - I'm letting go.
I'm giving my mind and heart to come together right now.
Right now, I'm all that matters.
"One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain"-Bob Marley
Right now - I don't feel as alone because when I listen to Avril sing about a guy thats done her wrong; only then does what everyone else say [oh it'll pass, been there done that, youe not the only one... blah blah blah] have meaning. I'm not saying I'm just like Avril or we can relate .. it's just that I understand more of how the heart works, what its capable of.
This very instant, as her soundtrack plays, I've grown to forget about all my pain, knowing the lyrics from memory and reciting them under my breathe - I'm letting go.
I'm giving my mind and heart to come together right now.
Right now, I'm all that matters.
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