So not too long again it started to pour down raining. Without any second thoughts I found myself running around my front lawn bare foot. It was soooo great. I wasn't worried about my hair getting wet or falling. I wasn't worrying. I just felt better.....
On another note. I think I've found a new love.
[& denial aint just a river.]
Let me explain. I've fallen in love with someone; I don't necessarily love him though.
It's refreshing no longer having control of my thoughts; I feel stupid and jealous consistently. I loose nothing nor gain by behaving the way I do --I just want to be around him! My heart pounds in my chest & the more I try to silence it the more notions that don't feel like my own, leak into my brain; my dreams.
I hate this because he has no idea how hard it is to wait by the phone, to pretend to not care ...
I hate when my text goes ignored, or when I don't get a invite out of the blue. I hate when our plans get canceled for "tomorrow".
Your such a fucking liar. *swoon*
((I want you to want me.
I need you to need me.
I'm begging you to beg me... & I want you now.))
& so my feelings of infatuation are truly intriguing & Ironically temporary.
But unfortunately, as of right now, I have it bad :(
masochistic as usual.
i agree with the last comment. very.
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