Anyway so the other night I brought [my new addiction] Pokemon Soul Silver.

The only problem is that Jordan has heart Gold and there is only one DS in this house. So I get home and pretty much demand for him to let me hold it. It was almost his bed time and I knew I would take it to school the next day. Long story short - my mother had to get involved because of our words. It's truly sad at how easily I snap on a member in my very own house. blood. I was angry, thinking of nothing but angry and threatening thoughts.
Over something so stupid!
Thinking back on it- even moments later. I got really really sad. I wanted to apologize but I felt like I've become such a stranger to his world as he is to mine, and it wouldn't mean a thing.
As I was gearing up to blog about this event a slightly crumpled piece of paper was slide under my door.
He had been up all night a letter of apology. Can I just say that was a first.
So bitter sweet. He had proven to be the bigger person and I was so happy I was nearly in tears. He agreed with what my mom had said and said he'd try harder to be nicer.
I love you Little Bro!
"Things are looking up- Oh finally" Paramore
So today my head was on a bit tighter.
The weather was amazing! いいおてんきですね
Math clicked today and I did pretty much everything I wanted to do. Snowball was my road dog today - I can tell he enjoyed it very much. Out of the three jobs I applied for this month 0 came back as planned. It's all good though, I'll just continue to try at least three every month.
Jordan from Facebook/ My Japanese Class encouraged Kelli and I to go Japan with him this summer. He went last year, with a group of friends and is determined to go again. I would love to go! He has no idea...I just have to take the steps. I'll insist on him giving me the updates often.
The weather was amazing! いいおてんきですね
Math clicked today and I did pretty much everything I wanted to do. Snowball was my road dog today - I can tell he enjoyed it very much. Out of the three jobs I applied for this month 0 came back as planned. It's all good though, I'll just continue to try at least three every month.
Jordan from Facebook/ My Japanese Class encouraged Kelli and I to go Japan with him this summer. He went last year, with a group of friends and is determined to go again. I would love to go! He has no idea...I just have to take the steps. I'll insist on him giving me the updates often.
" Side effects: Birth control may cause a change in vision, necessitating a change in prescription, or an inability to wear contact lens. Birth control pills do not provide protection from sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). The pills must be taken daily and consistently (at the same time every day). If a woman stops taking birth control pills, it may take a few months for her normal ovulatory cycle to return; however, once stopped, a woman can become pregnant even if her cycle has not returned to normal. The following general side effects apply to all the hormonal birth control medications, regardless of how they are taken (for example, pills, topical patch, injection): nausea, breast tenderness, fluid retention, weight gain, acne, breakthrough bleeding, missed periods, headaches, depression, anxiety, other mood changes, and lower sexual desire. Additionally, the following more serious side effects may occur:
* Thromboembolism (blood clots): Women who use estrogen-containing birth control pills are at a 3- to 6-fold increased risk of developing blood clots. Blood clots may lead to deep vein thrombosis, heart attack, or stroke. Additional causes of blood clots include advanced age, obesity, family history, recent surgery, and pregnancy. Low-dose (less than 50 mcg of ethinyl estradiol) oral contraceptives pose less risk than older, higher-dose formulations. Cigarette smoking increases the risk of blood clots in women using combination contraceptives, particularly for women older than 35 years and those who smoke more than 15 cigarettes per day.
* Breast cancer: The association of birth control pill use and breast cancer in young women is controversial. The Collaborative Group on Hormonal Factors in Breast Cancer performed the most comprehensive study in 1996. The results demonstrated that current pill users and those who had used birth control pills within the past 1-4 years had a slightly increased risk of breast cancer. Although these observations support the possibility of a marginally elevated risk, the group noted that pill users had more breast examinations and breast imaging studies than nonusers. Thus, although the consensus states that birth control pills can lead to breast cancer, the risk is small, and the resulting tumors spread less aggressively than usual. Most doctors currently believe that birth control pill use might interact with another primary cause to stimulate breast cancer.
* Cervical cancer: The relationship between birth control pill use and cervical cancer is also quite controversial. The risk is not related to the contraceptive agent itself but to how it leaves a woman unprotected from STDs. Early sexual intercourse, numerous lifetime sexual partners, and exposure to human papillomavirus are all important risk factors. Most authorities now believe that, if birth control pills increase the risk of cervical cancer at all, the risk is small.
* Benign liver tumors: Hormones are metabolized by the liver. A small increase in the frequency of benign liver tumors may exist, particularly after 4-8 years of birth control pill use.
* Diabetes: Progesterone and high estrogen doses may alter blood glucose (sugar) levels in diabetic women. and also:
* When to seek immediate medical attention: Seek emergency medical care if any of the following symptoms occur: abdominal pain, chest pain, headaches (severe), eye changes (blurred vision), or severe thigh or calf pain. These symptoms are easy to remember by learning the mnemonic device ACHES.
That's mostly just page one.
I need to ask, why are you even disputing the issue of sex and birth control?
And, I'm glad Jordon and you had a mature arguement. I called you tonight. Don't know if you're getting them...just saying.
Gahhh! my line ^.^ ♥
*look at lys' comment* O.o ....shit
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