Friday, May 28, 2010

Summer Done Did List 2010

  1. New Jersey
  2. Delaware/ Visit Verna
  3. Pennsylvania
  4. Philadelphia/ Imogean Heap Concert
  5. Ultimate Pillow fight
  6. [Started] a watercolor painting
  7. Star gazed
  8. Washington DC + Lolita
  9. Swim
  10. Gay Pride 2010
  11. Toy Story 3 (wasnt on the original list but hey..)
  12. library
  13. Apply 2 other places

1 comment:

Hope said...

*sigh* when i first seen this..list, i was so sad to see you fall so far from track. fun is fun. but you is all you have. (well and me :3) i wish you spent this time focusing on your own self-awareness but..the core of a man's sprite comes from new experiences (women in this case) i hope you've learned something from this.

next blog~loveyou♥Damon