Tuesday, July 20, 2010

100 mph Leads to a Missing Child Report

I've been wanted to blog for some time now, I start, then I stop, I save a draft then I delete it. Now, I feel under the weather and I have all the time in the world to let it out. What I remember at least.

I'm keeping the original title I had saved up because it was such a rush for me, riding in the passenger seat next to Sir.
As we swirled, nearly drifted down the dark, slick back roads of dogwood. Going over 100mph at times - it was exhilarating to say the least, I understand my life was in danger but I had already let go of those fears the moment I sat down. He unintentionally had epic movie music blasting and I had only made a cameo appearance in that short film.

My Birthday came and went, I spent it with two people who I'd never think I would, two people I had known since 6th grade South West Academy. We traveled to Six Flags New Jersey and had had a ball. I had conquered the worlds fastest and tallest coaster;twice. My lack of a voice was proof of that.

Lately however it seems as though time is flying and staying still all at once.
My days are once again blurring into each other and events are becoming a little less unforgettable.
Im not to sure of who I am to anyone anymore. Kelitah called me her best friend and brought me a huge cupcake,
I told Jojo I'd live with him in PA,
I keep hearing "I love you", "I want you",
My dad whispers in my ear "vacuum the stairs" one day and "wash out that bowl" the next, (never a 'good morning daughter'),
I haven't spoken to Dean since Pride?
and I only work twice a week?!

What is going on? O_O

ArtScape 2010 was a huge success.
I can see me volunteering there next year, So much diversity and unimaginable works all complied into one location. It felt right, I stood out, I think. It had it's movie like twist but still I enjoyed it that much Saturday that I went back Sunday (only to pass out from heat exhaustion) but Hey! Oppa! It was all in good fun. Hahaha.

I'm still attending CCBC this fall,... I assume.
Still completing my general studies, this time I'm throwing art into the mix. I'll be taking an introduction to watercolor night class. The highlight of my Wednesdays. That above all is what I find to be the most exciting thing to me.

Otakon is less than 2weeks away. I am ready-ish. I hope the hotel thing works out well. I plan to spend a lot of time in the artist alley, and not as much time in the Dealers room or at the rave. I can pre feel the pulsating of my head as a result of those two things.

I am unsatisfied, I am happy, I have dazed and confused, I am hungry, I am what I thought I would be at this point, I am lonely, I am loved, I am trying to make everyone happy still, I am only a 19 year old girl (that could conquer the world).

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