Sometimes, this life has a funny away of making us walk around in circles, like crickets on an old timey record player. We can put so much effort into moving where we think is forward only to find out we did not get anywhere.
I remember having such great hope for me and those I would be involved with. Taking that speech communication class last Fall semester seemed to be just the antidote I would need to quit acting like such a stage frightened little girl.
One stop shops; quick fixes, they only seem to allow you to view the progress or lack there of even more. They point out the distance of the separation of whatever you deemed a problem in the first place. How clumsy.
Till this day, I still have some of the same issues when it comes to getting important thoughts across. I wish those who took everything I say, or don't say so seriously, not before asking questions - which in turn could I guess help me reboot. Of course there is no special manual that comes with getting to know me, nor is it available upon request. I just know that there is much that I don't know; about this world, my plans or myself.
Life is determined by the choices we make. Everyday.
I just need some more time, and then everything will be fine. Seasons are changing and new paths are unfolding for everyone around me - I hope that, ... hope; I still have some left.
Anyway, So you know how I made that wack ass hate post? I was thinking of making a love one... only that list will be too long and still wont cover everything, I want to be a lover. I want it, I try to give it, maybe I should try to support it a bit more too. Ignorance can run deep :/
So Far I really like my new job, I should be getting my first pay this Friday. I hope to stay with them past the holiday seasons. I should also practice lifting weights at home, I'm sure it'll help out my poor noodle arms. AMC can SMD, I'm through jumping at every crack of the whip.
.... minds drawing a blank now. G'night.
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