Well is there? I can choose what I taste, what I hear, from what angle I see it, how it feels; I should still have that power should I not? Why is it that when I feel bad, I talk to myself to get the answers? Maybe Lsytra was right, maybe sometimes I do need to look outside myself.
I'm scatter brained lately. I'm being self- preservingly stuborrn, or was it self-defeatingly stubborn?

So I've come into quite a bit of money latey, more than what I'm use to at least. &So, what am I going to do with it you ask? Save, duh. Well for the most part thats what I will do. I made a list at work today of the things that seemed most important to deal with sooner than later; & then a much smaller list of wants [things I feel like I should just get out of the way so that my dreams arent plauged with the cuteness.]
................. Idk what else to add here, uh the Holidays are soon approching I wonder if my family is going away for christmas or just sitting around the fire. I would really like to travel. Kelitah is already 'setting sail' for NYC lasted I check.
Passage from Eat.Pray.Love(Kinda cheesy but makes a pretty picture in my mind.)
"To find the answer you want," Ketut spoke through his translator,"this is
what you must become. You must keep your feet grounded so firmly on the earth
that it's like you have four legs,instead of two. That way, you can stay in the
world. But you must stop looking at the world through your head. You must look
through your heart,instead. That way, you wil know God."
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