Man, I swear Pokemon Black came out at the perfect time, between that and watching Black Butler I find myself capable of sitting in my room for hours with interest. I always tend to fall in and out of reality at the right times. I am purposefully choosing to distance myself from people; honestly, it hurts too much to do other wise. shikata ja nai...
I am a very awkward creature. Some days I can approach a stranger without hesitation and other days I squirm under the gaze under anyone that looks my way. I get embarrassed easily, I freeze up and wish that to exit the vicinity. /Sigh/ Insecurity is a bitch.
I am capable of doing better, I just have to train myself and train myself and train myself to change the voices in my head.
I love myself. I love my enlightenment's. I love that I am fragile and still so strong. I love my thick hair, my smile, my hips and my red, itchy, irritated skin!

There's something else I would like to express but it's on the tip of my tongue now and I can't seem to even form pieces of the whole. So tonight I will ask myself questions and pray on it. I still haven't given up on that habit. It's funny though because I choose to try again in order to rid my mind of all the negativity I carried around from Ron. I still pray for him. I hope his lifestyle takes him down a path that is beautiful and free and reflects the soul inside of him.
But it's not all about him anymore. I have to constantly forgive myself and others. No one wants to hurt or feel pain, but it happens to everyone and on certain degrees. Suffering is optional.
There is a bit of beauty in believing in what you can not see.
1 comment:
awww I love your blog too!
it makes me wanna do something to mine. O well. work to do. I really like that you are taking steps to strengthen yourself and loving others inspite of it all. Your journey is internal, and you are reveling in your womanhood. Very chic as always. I like your hips too. Anyway, keep the positivity flowing and watch your dreams manifest before your very eyes.
Love Always Bae,
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