I love watching interracial couples interact. They are for the most part just like any other happy couple but with a bonus and disadvantage of skin color. I'm sure some couples may chose to keep their families as far out their business as possible but others have found ways to just make their parents 'shut up and deal with it.'
When I'm at work interracial families are definitely on the top 5 list of shoppers I see. Old white women walking biracial children around by their hands, White man holding his new born son as a black women pays for the purchase, a group of white high school girls come in to buy bras and bikinis and the one biracial girl fits right in ranting about last nights party.- fearless
I don't know when it happen, not that it matters but it's just so beautiful to me. The idea that a man or woman could look at a person different from themselves and fall in love. Regardless of what time period they grew up in, the possible outcome of their child and of course their gender or race. Biracial kids are so beautiful to me, and yet deep down I have some sad thoughts attached.
I guess I had my chance once back in high-school. A white boy told me he loved me and stole my first kiss. I didn't know much about love or relationships back then but thinking back on it. I am thankful for him and his courage.
There has been a lot of mixed ideas and emotions floating around my head simultaneously; especially when a just lie in my bed. I feel stuck in the middle again. Almost to the degree of being that middle child. My older sister is ready for the pain and struggle it takes be beautiful. She wants to handle more responsibility - granted she has the knowledge and courage to constantly work for for it. She feels like moving out and having less social time is becoming more personal.
My younger sister wants to be noticed for her simply doing what she's suppose to do, she wants affection and praise. She wants to feel weightless, living life day by day.
I need to believe in myself.
In my heart & in my goals.
Even when I feel like I shouldn't
I believe that I can always try again tomorrow and I believe in my friends. I believe in the kindness in peoples hearts and the pursuit of happiness.
I believe in love and forgiveness.
I believe there is a God and there will be a time of liberation.