Friday, April 4, 2008

Paint & Rain

Hola.!. Its still all rainy like outside. & apparently I'm going to be stuck inside the house for the rest of the week. Think of it as a long over due punishment. Anyways. So today was.... quite. I don't think I talked much at all really. Took and failed a test in miss Peach class, did nothing in Spanish, was seriously painting my ass off in art, had an awesomely funny conversation about about sex w/ Paige at lunch then fought to stay up in ms. Stephenson's class, the end. :) Well not really. In English we're reading a book about Thoreau's nite in jail.. . the book it's self is boring as shit, but I love the concept. [btw Steph & Josh did an amazing job reading.] The whole non conformist ideas are so inspirational - oh how I wish I could live like that. I can relate more to Dark Romantics. When I think about it, Kage and his friends are the most likely candidates to be considered transcendentalist. That's pretty cool, but I kinda feel ashamed that I conform so well at times. It's just easier.
After school wasn't so great either, I learned to park and a little but of 3-point turning. woo hoo ~~ th
en I fell asleep in the library by myself. Now I guess I'll just wait for someone to get online, that'll lift my spirits I hope. Steph, Claire & Lauren don't get on as much so its hard to like you know.... talk. but its whatever. Our book is back in rotation.

Current Mood: Content


Anonymous said...

Thoreau is the shit.
He reminds me of Alex.

dean. said...

ahh. emo clouds.
thanks for the comment on my blog, shay. i think that was all of my bullshit.

i love youuuu.