[Waterfall, Sky, Land, Leaves, Clouds, wind, and grass]
So this morning, I went on a nature hike. Lol yes, literally. Kage took me Sir Shannon and Chris early this morning to his [use to be] job site. There we [80% of just them] climbed mini mountains, walked on train tracks, threw rocks at a dead dog, swam in the lake next to a beautiful waterfall that I took a picture of, and jumped off this bridge into another lake. It was different, relaxing and peaceful. Being the only girl there I wasn't head over heels excited about the whole thing but was proud of myself for keeping up with everyone and just plain happy to be out of the house. We were gone for only about 4 hours but it felt like forever. When I got home I ate and crashed. Wouldn't mind doing it again actually :]
That is soo fucking pretty.
haha at the dead dog. er-- T_T
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