Saturday, July 25, 2009

.5 blood princess

Pokemon has officially come to the end of the road with me. The other day I discovered that a whole new set of 135+ has been created. That would at first appeal to me however they did such a bad job! the new pokemon are just digimon/ alien/ neopet rejects. I hate them. Oh! and to add injury to insult I got my ass handed to me on Pokemon stadium. I was a sore loser and the crown went to a sore winner. blarg. w.e
Watchmen is on out on DVD now. yay.
I also went swimming yesterday that was cool and saw Orphan. That was was wack. the art of horror has died.
Today I cleaned and went to see Harry Potter6; i fell asleep for like 5 whole minutes but over all I enjoyed it. Ron W. is my favorite.
Besides working tomorrow IDK what is instore for me.

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