Whatcha waiting for?Ahhh So last night I drove up to Towson with Dean to ICE .. the hookah bar. It was my first time and even now, I'm not 100% what a hookah is exactly. It's not the same as flavored oxygen cause apparently it has hints of tobacco. but like, it doesnt get you high. just dizzy and calm.
well it was a very fun experince I was such a noob at first. coughing like a cancer patient (is that taking it to far?) after each exhale. but by the end of the night i was like the ffriggin blue catipillar from Alice in wonderland. muhaha. Can't wait to go again and with more people!. (Aaah. Just another advantage of being 18 I guess....
All this fun i'm having on the rode is great but I need to be more mindful of my parents. I failed to buy my moms lunch for today cause by the time I got home last night all the stores where closed. She wasnt mad at me, but now she'll have to pay for lunch. I will make it up to her...
and while at towson I brought these mirror aviators (sun glasses) for my dad.
wow right?
He saw them on a guy a long time ago and idk I just brought them from XXI. I wonder what his reaction will be. [* i've never brought him shit for no reason.]
Haha might have a heart attack.
My hair looks like shit i swear i want to shave it all off and buy wigs for the rest of my life. It's like the only thing that really makes me feel so un attractive. Such a guy ;-;
On a lighter note. Piplup is cute. JK that not what I really was going to say.
I talked to Jamal last night I think we're going to hang out today.. hopefully. Idk where to go though I'm poor. Idk who's going to drive either. Mayb I should just meet him half way.
cancer x cancer. lol
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