Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The best e-mail I've ever recieved.

Ok So, I know I have so much more to talk about and trust me I'll get to that later, but today while checking/ cleaning out my hundreds of emails and chain letters I actually stopped and checked out Anna's most recent one. You know Anna... Dylans little sister.

Hey Shayla,
Do you remember me? LOL!! Why don't you come over anymore and I've been e-mailing you. What's taking you soooooooo long???????

PS:Do you talk to Dylan anymore or are you gies not friends anymore? If your not friends anymore then why? but you don't really have to tell me I'd just like to know..........
wait do you even like me anymore? If you don't like me just because you don't like Dylan that would be totally lame...no affence
Do you just not like me or what!!!!!!!??????????

WTF. I almost wanted to cry she's so cute and I can't believe she still thinks of me. and her brother!!!! *bp... her brother has prevented me from seeing her. What a bummer. Anyway, I made sure my reply was just as happy as I am right now.

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