Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Funny thing about Cake

Games are meant to be played and almost always result in a loser and a winner. I’m usually the loser.

I came to a confusing realization last night; I’ve grown to like the person I said I wouldn’t and would rather watch it fail, because I knew it would. Jealousy is an ugly suicidal emotion. In some ways I think I’m making a mountain out of a mole hill but in others I think I can make this assumption due to the fact that I know me. I know that I can’t be trusted and that I trust others far too easily. All I ask for is love (happiness) and peace; but taking a closer look at that request, it’s probably far too broad for anyone to feel comfortable in themselves or actions. “Just what makes you happy Shayla? What gives you peace?”

My dreams are my clarity. I don’ think I can explain it any better. Your lips and mine.

--Sometimes I give into sadness sometimes I don't.

Usagi ( ウサギ) is coming home in two days. How exciting; for how long I wonder? Regardless we will be kicking it old school -You down with OPP -day in and day out. With that good news aside, I'd like to believe that my Japanese has drastically improved. Not only can I read and right in Hiragana & Katana; I'm started to hear it and understand it (ちょと) a little bit in the Anime I watch. 一期ましまっる がすきです! (I love strawberry marshmallow!)

The way I see it, as of right now I don't know what I want from any stupid boys. && what I do want is out of my reach not because it truly is but because I have yet to speak it into existence. Thus the cycle continues, nothing from nothing will always lead you with nothing. Like Sir said last night, I need to take risks. Throw it out there and let the Universe decided what happens next. Until next time みない、 じゃね。。。

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