So I'm here sitting in Panera blogging like a real college student. 'Except for I'm wearing my world renowned cat hat and look at me goggles. Shavoooooon works here now shes still odd as ever muhahaha. Ron is blah blah blahing right now about not wanted to eat his Doritos right now and threatening to 'T' me right now.
Anyway. So school is almost over and I survived it all. Math and English switched places in my priority role
. Finals are going to be a b*tch.
- I brought this chick, I mean dress on impulse the other day. It was free shipping; only $40.00. I can't what to wear it.... although it is defiantly a summer/ spring dress.
I saw Precious with my mommy the other day, now I'm reading the book. The book is so much better. I real cataclysm.
I'm really side tracked right now. brb
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