You're alive. Do something. The directive in life, the moral imperative was so uncomplicated. It could be expressed in single words, not complete sentences. It sounded like this: Look. Listen. Choose. Act
Yesterday, I feel as though I turned a page in my 'life'.
Toy Story 3 found a way to flood my soul and take away any fears I had about growing older. We all must and will grow old, growing up is..optional. I don't want to. I want my imagination to stay wild, to stay bright and adventurous. If I ever pick up the pace and decide on a career, It will revolve around the childhood experiences, cartoons, personified animals, colors, and the impossible.
I'm sure L.K would advise me to read up as much as possible on this declaration and I will, in due time.
(!) Just got a tattoo idea.
Ryan you're a cool dude ya know that?! I can't wait to (dye) together cause today obviously isn't the day. sk8y2fakey4lyf3. lmao. No real meaning behind that.
I really appreciate the things my friends are capable of doing for me. Dinner, Sushi dates, practicing sketching, phone calls, and just frequent "hey, whats going on?- what are we doing today?" I cherish all of it and I am thankful. el oh el smiley face.
listen to the version by Gipsy Kings :D
ToyStory3 made me miss my old toys :3
and im glade your smiling (puts one one my face). ive miss you these passed months.
☟~next blog~loveyou♥Damon
....proof read?
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