I apologize for my outburst in advance.
I'm so angry right now, I feel like something important just slipped through my fingers.

- I hate feeling *useless* I'm sorry I couldn't help you that night... this night.
- I hate Kiki
- I hate not working with my *friends*
- I hate jazzmine
- I hate Ben
- I hate Pnuts photography
- I hate that I'm so ungrateful
- I hate not being able to see you, any of you when I want
- I hate being loved so much by kage
- I hate my bed
- I hate that it kills me to say "I'm sorry"
- I hate ronald
- I hate CJ
- I hate the smell of beer
- I hate giving up on a friendship,( i just need my space... the real one not the site)
- I hate mcdonalds
- I hate owls
- I hate watermelon
- I hate only finding females attractive
- I hate money
- I hate not having money
- I hate my sarcasm, i feel brainwashed
- I hate not having a kigurumi
- I hate not being able to speak up
- I hate no longer being on the same page as Lys
- I hate not talking to all my old friends
- I hate driving for more than 15 minutes
- I hate haters
- I hate girlfriends/ boy friends
Girl we all have PMS moments. Mines just ended. Just try to hold on, eat a nice piece of chocolate, and remember we still love you. Pray and be patient with yourself, persevere. Why do you hate your bed?
i think it's my bed's fault that my back aches as much as it does. I tried sleep the opposite way, with a pillow beneath me, on the right side, left. its driving me cocobananas @__@
with that being said, i know "that this too shall pass." thanks so much for seeing me the other day <333
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