Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Report Card

  • Art A
  • English Hon. A
  • Earth Science A
  • Graphic Comm. B
  • Algebra 2. C
  • Worlds Hist. C
  • Spanish 3. C


Lifes Report Card
  • Love life_ B
  • Friendship_ D
  • Family_ B
  • School_ [see above]
  • Emotions_ C
  • Physical_ C
  • Spiritual_ ... [Jesus who?]
  • E.M.O Research_ D

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Red fam. Picnic

About 13 hours after prom I found my self heading to Stephs house. I was the last to arrive [no surprise] The girls seemed to have like a makeshift picnic outside.
The weather was so nice !

We sat out there for an hour or so then went is side to some good ol' food. After Lauren left we went to Arundel Mills to see Harold & Kumar. [Escape from G. bay]. I liked the first one better but it was still very graphic and funny. Afterwards I brought my skinny black [sex] bracelets from hottopic - it feels so good having my hard covered again.

Then, Kage came to pick me up and take me to the picnic [i was about 3 hours late so basically missed everything] Things were going great for a while, then the guys started dueling and people kept getting emo on me T_T. All of Niecys business got exposed to everyone - it was Kages fault. He had to go talk to everyone; Nicey flipped, Lamont left, and Peanut... cried? It was very emotional and some how needed. Peanuts world was slowly crumbling and all Nicey cares about is being with Lamont *sigh* Everyone yelled and held a conversation for like 2 hours straight I'm not sure on the final solution to everything. I was on the swing set.

blah blah blah.

Jr Prom and Other Updates

Yay~! So yesterday was almost like a dream, so much happened in one day it seemed un - realistic.
First off, as soon as I got out of school I went straight to the hairdressers.... I didn't leave out of there until almost six hours later. Kage was pissed and i was... super embarrassed cause my hair was soo different! like really, I'm not sure if I like it or not yet - but I'm most likely stuck with it for another week. ;-;
BTW. I'm super itchy right now.

Anyways, Fast forwarding all the thousands of compliments, photos taken and fun at dinner

Theme: Fashion week in Paris
  • The DJ sucked! Omg, he didn't play anything worth dancing too. I swear.
-heheh, but I did dance a lot though.
  • Most re memorable dresses of the night: Dana, Erica, Kelsi, Helen and Me [lol!]
- Honorable Mentions: Everyone else. Haha, no really- everyone looked great!
  • Juliete almost made me pass out, she's so damn funny! Kelsi is a really good dancer, she always seems so happy cause she skips around, Ash and I exchanged a few words that was cool, Oh & of course the Smurfs all looked really nice - [Steph .. the producers of Hairspray would be proud]
*scratch scratch*
  • Chris & Tonya won Prom King & Queen. How nice
*scratch scratch*
  • No after party, Kage just drove me home and we sat in his car until 12 something.
-I can tell that that day he tried so hard not to think about himself. It worked, I felt all warm inside. Im glad we gave each other space too - like during the dance. I was afraid I'd be all over him :)

The End
[not nessicarly a magical night,.. and probably a forgettable one. But I enjoyed it none the less.]

Sunday, April 20, 2008


  • I did nothing for the first part of the day. Well, besides playing guitar hero. Its so addictivly depressing.
[Fav Song: Killing in the name by Rage against the Machine [med/ hard]]

After that, my dad treated my mom & I to dinner. We went to Olive garden; it was really good.
When we got home Kage came over and we went walking around the neighborhood. It was sooooooo funny! [Apparently he's not scared of people he scared or dogs].... so when I sugguestd to walk down this dark road he said "hell no!, we'll walk down the alley". All of a sudden a demon dog popped out of nowhere & started running towards us! he disappeared in like 0.002 seconds flat. I wasn't mad or scared, at the time, I was suffering from a heart attack. I was laughing so hard as he ran behind a car and left me there to die. LMFAO I couldn't keep up even if I wanted too. *wipes tear away* Turns out the dog was on leash cause it stopped chasing us as soon as it started. i swear it resemble something to the likes of this:

On the way back, we ran into my dad. The two shared a decent conversation for the first time in forever. I was so happy. I didn't get into the house until 12.
& That night i had nothing but nightmare's <3


Kage actually surprised me by buying this shirt and jacket from an online store. I was really happy.

So its funny how history always seems to repeat its self. The cold war is the most common event ever; & no, I'm not being literal [nor am I going into detail about the matter].

The smurfs and I have terrible methods of getting in contact. Cell phones are suppose to be a thing of the future... meh. Whatever.
Well Friday, I went to my final audition for the modeling agency. I had about an hour audition and the woman seems to love me & my mom the entire time. To no surprise I made it. Yep, after a deliberation with the judges she came back in the room congratulating me. I must admit, it felt good. [I won. I stepped out of the box and convinced someone I could be worth something]. A half hour went by as she laid down all the planning and classes and life long opportunities i would have.
"You never have to pay agency"
"We only get 20% of the profit"
"You can make over $10000 depending on who wants you"
"Purchasing photos are very afordable"
"20 weeks of classes, every weekend"
"We are very flexible."

The fairytale went on.
Needless to say, at the very end the woman pulled out sheet of paper with the cost of everything. My smile instantly faded. $400 a month to attended the classes.... my mom was instantly turned off. [Do they think were stupid!?] We walked out of the studio with our best fake smiles.
In the car, my mom in I got into a mild argument. I told her this is why I'm scared to try anything. I either quit/ forget about it when it gets too hard or I can only get my foot in the door. She brought up the whole money doesn't grow on trees speech but I'd giving up on trying to listen. Claire called saying how the movies plan was dead .... it was just too much. That night I just played guitar hero until I was too tired... and it was only 10:00. [i hate fridays]

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Cherry Blossom Festival 2008

Konichiwa !!
Oh today was sooo great! Hours spent with the closest people to me in Washington DC.
Besides the fact that God was having a bladder problem. The turn out was great, the food & smoothies were ok and all that attention was more than I could ask for! I lost count of how many people decided to take or join in with a picture of us. Oh and my beloved Lolita Kelitah came too making us all very happy. [I wanted her Panda so badly T-T;.] Everyone managed to buy sumthing. I got the cutest little Kitty key-chain, Steph got an umbrella & Lauren & Claire got TOFU Bags. ^__^ So yeap. like I said it was great. Weird cosplayers and awesome visual kie also made this annual event entertaining. I told Kage i was going & he could come if he wanted, I'm glad he didn't though cause hanging out with those chicks today wasn't so bad. Afterwards we all chilled @ Claires house eating sinful cupcakes, discussing our operation and covering a lot of other random yet HIGHLY ENTERTAINING information.

[[In other [naruto] news : Itachi is really dead, Sasuke is taking over the world. I hate Kisshi right now. ]]

Anyways, where was I? Oh yeah! & also I think Claire defiantly pick up a good rule for us to start calling each other more often. I totally agree! I mean before I even discovered boys I could stay on the phone for hours.

Yay I feel... spaded ... ?

Delayed O>M>E Prt 2

Ok so my extremely high adrenaline rush feeling is kinda mellow at the moment. Sorry I didn't update sooner. I'll just cut straight to the chase:

O.M.E [oh-me]= Operation: Make an Effort.

Mu-ha!Thats right, the "smurffets" have done it again.
We shall begin posting videos blogs to help with the teen awareness of the not so perfect world around them.
We realize that we most likely will not end up becoming famous but we will at least try to put a dent into the minds of the youth of today.
I BS you not.
I actually believe
So yeah any further information is confidential just... be ready.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

O>M>E prt 1. !!

Oh- Pa~!! Why hello, hello there *shakes hands* Aaaah I feel so,so.... IDK.! but its great (dude you gotta get on this shit XD)

Today was career fair... ironically I found out what i want to do with my life afterwards. Haha.
Interviewing was gay. T-T I mean, forcing a smile is easy for me but whatever it was that I was doing inside the gym today was just dumb.
  • First off, I was truly pissed off at what some of the girls were wearing. Like really, wtf you sluts cover up and stop trying to impress your friends
  • But then,.... I just began to sing in my head "There gonna clean up your looks with all the lies in the books, to make a citizen out of you.... " -MCR
  • After about an hour in a half I left for an early lunch. Much to my surprise Kelitah, Juliette Claire & Steph all found there way to my table and boy was lunch good today. ^_^
  • In the end I only got 5 interviews. Personally I could care less though because No one from my magnet showed up. T___T;
  • We left for *Steph's house after the fair... only to face consequences later. I left my cellphone in a goody bag [but got it back. Thanks JOJO..who ever you are]
  • @ Stephs house we ate fried chicken for the umpteenth time. [*note to self: remind me to get these girls a real chicken box & half/half]
  • We also played DDR & Guitar Hero. & as a result my wrist is like... broken ;-;
[long sigh. ok now I'm done with all the semi- boring stuff.]
[my next topic deserves its own post.]

Current mood:

Saturday, April 5, 2008


My Dress came in the mail today!!!
[My Day of school : coming soon xxx]

Friday, April 4, 2008

Paint & Rain

Hola.!. Its still all rainy like outside. & apparently I'm going to be stuck inside the house for the rest of the week. Think of it as a long over due punishment. Anyways. So today was.... quite. I don't think I talked much at all really. Took and failed a test in miss Peach class, did nothing in Spanish, was seriously painting my ass off in art, had an awesomely funny conversation about about sex w/ Paige at lunch then fought to stay up in ms. Stephenson's class, the end. :) Well not really. In English we're reading a book about Thoreau's nite in jail.. . the book it's self is boring as shit, but I love the concept. [btw Steph & Josh did an amazing job reading.] The whole non conformist ideas are so inspirational - oh how I wish I could live like that. I can relate more to Dark Romantics. When I think about it, Kage and his friends are the most likely candidates to be considered transcendentalist. That's pretty cool, but I kinda feel ashamed that I conform so well at times. It's just easier.
After school wasn't so great either, I learned to park and a little but of 3-point turning. woo hoo ~~ th
en I fell asleep in the library by myself. Now I guess I'll just wait for someone to get online, that'll lift my spirits I hope. Steph, Claire & Lauren don't get on as much so its hard to like you know.... talk. but its whatever. Our book is back in rotation.

Current Mood: Content

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Umbrella ..ella.

Kayso, this has been a really long week; but really it's been a while since I felt so relaxed.

  • I mean like, I feel as though [Megumi[the ghost from Shutter] has finally lifted off of my shoulders. Yeah I've totally let my guard down all week just to see what would happen and surprisingly something good came from it. I love having guy friends hahaha,
  • Diante'
  • Sir
  • Troy
  • Jimmy
  • Shaun
  • & Peanut
I can tell these cockta-pusses about anything. ^_^

  • I'm starting to get pretty worried about my online dress that I have yet to receive. Its been about 3 weeks now. WTF.?!. I got another shirt on the way too and I plan on making Kage buy my this here skirt. Its adorable!
  • Today [After school] was another really good one. I had another one on one driving lesson with the worst yet best driving teacher ever. And we kissed in the rain [lmao ok, I'm so lying we were in subway.... but it was raining outside] After that had this long 'intimate' like talk. One thing that i will always love this kid is his ability to surprise me. I mean really, I don't remember a day when we were so much n' sync. We talked about moving away together; he wants to go to Russia [???] and I of course want to go to Japan.

  • Anyway, so after that I turned in all my applications that I got yesterday. I applied to Burger King, Claire's, The Great Cookie & Game stop. Holy Rice balls, I really hope I get hired this time >.<;

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


So instead of doing my homework, I've decided to keep you [the reader] entertained. After several long conversations with my closest dudes. Its obvious I have anger issues; & my anger is basically a normal girl behavior..[reality sucks]. People make me made. Girls make me mad. the 'Friend' concept, Family, Love, Environment and even my own self.
Big Whoop
Who cares if lil Shayla gets mad, what could she possibly do?
Even know as I type, I'm thinking...
who the hell cares?
Anyway. That wasnt the subject of the point i was trying to get off. One person in particular has driven me coo coo bananas and they probably doesn't even know. Excuses are so easy when in comes to matters of the heart. For example, the letter I written has yet found its way to her message box. Am I more afraid of hurting myself or others?

  • haha, my mood has changed dramatically since an hour ago. [my mom made chocolate fundoo'*sp - me & my bro ate it with strawberries. omg orgasm.]
Blah. blah. blah. All of these words are going to go to waste I just know it.
Maybe I should convince Kage to write with me.
ha [April Fools on me]

April First 2008

So I'm making another attempt to get all my emotions and what not out. Ha, and doing so online where the whole world can see. ..... Smooth.

Alright, so today is April Fools Day. [aka the atheist holiday..according to my mom. [long story]. Um, so the only person I managed to give a heart attack to was my mom. I had sent her a text message saying that I was expelled. She freaked out.

Right now, I'm suppose to be doing my homework. ... But I still have time.

*** Today was so fun after school. I was with Kage; we went to his uncles trampoline and bounced around and wrestled for a while then to Rita's for their awesomely yummy "eye talian" ice. ^_^ Yay. I'm so stupid, i thought he'd be mad at me or all anti social today but it was like, not that way... *slaps head* He gave me another driving lesson, that was really cool although he's already starting to suck the fun out of everything; yelling and beating me haha jeeze, I guess I better learn to take it from him before my parents take a crack at it. Lol