I feel like shit right now, real shit.
Despite the fact I'm playing my normal round of Pokemon (I swear I'll give it back next time I see you Peanut.) I feel
ugly; Internally. What am I doing? This is becoming a nightmare and I might as well right my name down next to
author. I don't know who to talk to about this and so no one ever gets the whole story. Just what is my story? Just what is my story?
I have no one to blame but myself.
His words echo in my head... How can I decide what's right when you're clouding up my mind?
My heart. Well she's currently not present.
I spent my whole day out of the house. I didn't get home until about an hour ago.
Something phenomenal occurred today, the gang that was created three years ago reunited.
Me, Kage, Sir and Danielle all huddled up in my car to day for drunken fun. Despite killing my tank to drive all the way to Whitemarsh and back. It was emotionally satisfying from my end. I saw Lystra [She sets sail tomorrow]and finally met Offie! I wish we had all taken a picture. (Who's gonna believe this?lol) Kage and Sir made amends and were even calling each other 'brothers' for a lack of better words, it was epic.(underline)
*The moon was beautiful tonght.
I... fucked up. I made a big ...mess. It's becoming an earthquke in my head. And still no tears. Why did I have this responsibilty? Was it really given to me? A fool?
where's the pain?! I don't feel a thing right now. Just a dry back.
I was meant for so much more. I am..
ashamed. embarassed. cold. itchy.
so sorry.
I'm sorry because this is who I really am. *
I feel as though I thought I was ready. I wanted to be but I'm just not.
I am infact less than.